2 Krönikeboken 8:4
Och han byggde upp Tadmor i öknen och alla de förrådsstäder som i Hamat äro byggda av honom.
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he built

1 Kungaboken 9:17-19
Men Salomo byggde upp Geser, ävensom Nedre Bet-Horon,…

337 miles from Seleucian and Tigrim,

203 from the nearest part of the Mediterranean, and

176 from Damascus; according to Josephus, one day's journey west of the Euphrates, and six from Babylon; and according to Ptolemy, in lat.

34d north, or that of Tripoli, and about

4d more easterly; and it is described by Mr. Wood as `situated under a barren ridge of hills to the west, and open of the other sides to the desert:' `about six days' journey from Aleppo, and as much from Damascus, and about twenty leagues west of the Euphrates.' Palmyra attained the height of its splendour when the royal city of Zenobia was conquered by the emperor Aurelian; became a Roman colony after the victories of Trajan; and was probably reduced to its present miserable state in the wars of the Saracens. Its magnificent ruins, however, scattered over an extent of several miles, sufficiently attest its former splendour and riches.

2 Krönikeboken 8:4 Inter2 Krönikeboken 8:4 Flerspråkig2 Crónicas 8:4 Spanska2 Chroniques 8:4 Franska2 Chronik 8:4 Tyska2 Krönikeboken 8:4 Kinesiska2 Chronicles 8:4 EngelskaBible AppsBible Hub

BIBELN eller DEN HELIGA SKRIFT -- innehållande -- NYA TESTAMENTETS KANONISKA BÖCKER -- i överensstämmelse med den av KONUNGEN ÅR 1917 -- This is release 3.7 from Projekt Runeberg (//www.lysator.liu.se/runeberg/) of the Bible. That release was made 1999-04-09. It contains the full text of the Bible, and all of it has been spell-checked. -- gillade och stadfästa översättningen
2 Krönikeboken 8:3
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