
En-rimmon (Ain 2) and surrounding region
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Nehemiah 11:29 and in En Rimmon, and in Zorah, and in Jarmuth,
EN-RIMMONen-rim'-on (`en-rimmon, "the fountain of Rimmon" (see RIMMON), or perhaps "the spring of the pomegranate"; Eromoth, Rhemmon):
A city of Judah (Joshua 15:32), "Ain and Rimmon"; ascribed to Simeon (Joshua 19:7 1 Chronicles 4:32, "Ain, Rimmon"). In Nehemiah 11:29 mentioned as reinhabited after the Captivity. Zechariah 14:10, runs: "All the land shall be made like the Arabah, from Geba to Rimmon, south of Jerusalem." It must have been a very southerly place. In the Eusebius, Onomasticon, ("Erimmon") it is described as a "very large village 16 miles South of Eleutheropolis." Kh. Umm er Rumamin, 9 miles North of Beersheba is the usually accepted site. See PEF, 398; Sh XXIV.
E. W. G. Masterman
Strong's Hebrew
H5884: En Rimmon"spring of a pomegranate," a place in Judah